
  1. 4. its graph is where the graphs of the two inequalities overlap
  2. 6. the solution of a linear inequality that includes the boundary line
  3. 11. a line that separates the coordinate plane into regions
  4. 13. a statement that two quantities are not equal
  5. 15. Ax+By=C
  6. 17. points where the graph intersects an axis
  7. 19. the y-coordinate of a point that crosses the y-axis
  8. 20. the region of the graph of an inequality on one side of a boundary
  9. 21. Where the set of all solutions of an inequality is
  1. 1. f(x)=x
  2. 2. set of first numbers of the ordered pairs
  3. 3. a function for which the graph is a line
  4. 5. set of ordered pairs
  5. 7. two or more inequalities that are connected by the words and or or
  6. 8. the x-coordinate of a point that crosses the x-axis
  7. 9. a group of graphs with one or more similar characteristics
  8. 10. an equation that forms a line when graphed
  9. 12. any value that makes the equation true
  10. 14. set of second numbers of the ordered pairs
  11. 16. illustrates how each element of the domain is paired with an element in the range
  12. 18. the solution of a linear inequality that does not include the boundary line