
  1. 3. _______ slope A line that is decreasing from left to right
  2. 5. _______ plane is formed by the intersection of two number lines, the horizontal axis and the vertical.
  3. 8. ______ form is Another form of a line
  4. 10. ______ Pair The set of numbers, or coordinates, written in the form.
  5. 11. the set of x-values within the ordered pairs of a relation
  6. 12. A ratio that compares the vertical to horizontal change between points
  7. 14. _____slope A line that is increasing from left to right
  8. 15. A horizontal lineorizontal line
  9. 18. slope_______ form is of a line, used to graph the line.
  10. 20. A relation in which each element of the domain is pared with exactly one element of the range.
  11. 21. line___ Test If any vertical line passes through the graph of a relation no more than once, then it is a function.
  1. 1. A set of ordered pairs
  2. 2. The four regions into which the x and y - axis separate the coordinate plane.
  3. 4. ____ Variable The X-Value within a function.
  4. 6. The set of y-values within the ordered pairs of a relation.
  5. 7. slope_______ A ratio that compares the vertical to horizontal change between points
  6. 9. Variable The Y-Value within Function.
  7. 13. ______ slope is a vertical line
  8. 16. The point at which the x and y-axis intersect on the coordinate plane.
  9. 17. A line with an undefined slope
  10. 19. The rate of _______A ratio that shows how one variable changes with respect to another.