
  1. 1. made by two intersecting lines.
  2. 4. a statement that the values of two
  3. 5. result for strait angels
  4. 6. two angles that add up to 90
  5. 8. their
  6. 9. or feelings.
  7. 10. the process of making known one's
  8. 13. at a single
  9. 15. form a full turn
  10. 17. to change
  11. 18. whose vertex point has a value
  12. 20. known one's
  13. 21. meet, like a corner
  14. 25. or feelings.
  15. 26. formed when two lines intersect
  16. 27. expressions that work the same
  17. 29. they look different
  18. 30. parentheses ( ), brackets [ ], and
  19. 31. geometry, a straight angle is an
  20. 32. {
  21. 33. describes the sum of angles that
  1. 1. angles when they share the common
  2. 2. such as the 2
  3. 3. angles each of the pairs of opposite
  4. 5. 180°.
  5. 6. be arranged together so that
  6. 7. and mathematical operations
  7. 9. terms whose variables
  8. 11. angles either of two angles whose sum
  9. 12. A vertex is the place where two
  10. 14. process of
  11. 16. children are often required to
  12. 19. by the sign =).
  13. 22. expressions are equal
  14. 23. immoral or grossly unfair
  15. 24. Examples of number sentences
  16. 28. the set of values satisfy given set of equations or inequalities
  17. 31. 32 + 57 = ? 5 x 6 = 10 x ?
  18. 34. 180 degrees