MATH 136 Linear Algebra Crossword

  1. 1. A square matrix A=(a_{ij}) such that if i != j then a_{ij}=0 is called...
  2. 4. A linear mapping whose range is equal to the entire vector space
  3. 5. Transpose of the cofactor matrix
  4. 9. A square matrix of the form PDP^{-1}, where P is invertible and D is diagonal is called...
  5. 10. Given a square matrix A, we refer to the matrix B such that AB = BA = Identity matrix as the ... of A
  6. 11. The subset {a1, ..., an} of a vector space where there exist scalars c1, ..., cn, not all zero, such that c1*a1 + ... + cn*an = 0, is called linearly...
  7. 16. Signed determinant of the (i, j)-th submatrix
  8. 17. Linearly independent spanning set
  9. 18. A linear mapping that is both one-to-one and onto
  10. 19. Sum of the diagonal entries of a square matrix
  1. 2. Given a matrix A, the set of all vectors x such that Ax is equal to the zero vector is called the ... of A
  2. 3. Subspace spanned by the columns of a matrix
  3. 6. Given a square matrix A, a non-zero vector v for which there exists a scalar c such that Av = cv is called an ... of A
  4. 7. A square matrix that is one elementary row operation away from the identity matrix called an ... matrix
  5. 8. Given the linear mapping L, the set of all vectors x such that L(x) is equal to the zero vector is called the ... of L
  6. 12. Given the matrix A=(a_ij) we refer to the matrix B=(b_ij) such that b_{ij}=a_{ji} as the ... of A
  7. 13. The dimension of an eigenspace is called a ... multiplicity
  8. 14. A system of linear equations where the right hand side is equal to the zero vector
  9. 15. A system of linear equations where a solution exists is called...