
  1. 1. to the power of 2
  2. 4. longest side of a right triangle
  3. 8. a number that does not change
  4. 12. a line that goes through a circle and its center
  5. 14. when 2 angles add up to be 90 degrees
  6. 15. the number in a data set that occurs most often
  7. 17. A graph that represents data visually using bars of different heights or lengths
  8. 19. represents part of a whole
  9. 21. measurement of the outside of the polygon
  10. 23. a number that cannot be represented as fraction or decimal
  11. 25. all whole numbers
  12. 26. the sum of all the numbers divided by the number of numbers
  13. 28. the the power of 3
  14. 29. Numbers whole numbers mixed with fractions
  15. 30. when 2 angles add up to 180 degrees
  1. 2. number of space taken up by a 2d shape
  2. 3. the middle value
  3. 5. used in probability, shows the result of an event
  4. 6. unit of measurement that equals 1000 meters
  5. 7. a 3d shape "unfolded" into 2d
  6. 9. to the power of 1/2
  7. 10. value how far a number is from 0
  8. 11. the likelihood of a event happening
  9. 13. a letter representing a number we do not know yet
  10. 16. a sided polygon with 3 edges and 3 vertices
  11. 18. distance between the center and the circle
  12. 20. piece of a algebraic expression
  13. 22. the difference between the biggest and the smallest values in a data set
  14. 24. a part in every hundred
  15. 27. shows the equality of 2 expressions with a equal sign