
  1. 2. Equation we use daily
  2. 6. you solve these
  3. 7. number less then zero
  4. 9. something bigger then the other number
  5. 10. letter
  6. 12. total amount
  7. 14. a number that is multiplied by itself
  8. 15. straight
  9. 19. Subtraction or addition
  1. 1. ax^2+bx+c
  2. 3. answer of your equation
  3. 4. Shaped like a u
  4. 5. a number were trying to figure out
  5. 8. where two expressions are not equal
  6. 11. something smaller then the other number
  7. 12. big 2 at the top
  8. 13. in your equation
  9. 16. in your equation
  10. 17. The best teacher
  11. 18. cut in half