  1. 1. Value The value of a digit based on its position in a number
  2. 3. Numbers Numbers that can only be divided by 1 and themselves, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.
  3. 5. Mathematical operation of taking one number away from another to find the difference
  4. 8. Process of determining the size, length, or amount of something using standardized units
  5. 10. Mathematical operation of sharing or dividing a quantity into equal parts
  6. 11. Forms or figures with defined boundaries and specific attributes
  7. 12. Numbers that represent parts of a whole or a group
  8. 14. Repeated sequences or arrangements of numbers, objects, or events
  9. 15. Measurement of the duration of events or intervals
  10. 16. The measure of the amount of space inside a two-dimensional shape
  11. 20. The total distance around the edges of a shape or object
  1. 2. Approximation of a value or quantity based on reasonable assumptions or calculations
  2. 4. Ordered pairs of numbers used to locate points on a graph or grid
  3. 6. Mathematical operation of combining two or more numbers to find their total
  4. 7. Branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of shapes and space
  5. 9. Mathematical operation of repeated addition or combining equal groups
  6. 13. Branch of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of events occurring
  7. 17. Branch of mathematics that uses letters and symbols to represent numbers and quantities
  8. 18. Currency or medium of exchange used to buy goods and services
  9. 19. Numbers that represent parts of a whole, written with a decimal point