
  1. 3. A rule that assigns each input to a unique output.
  2. 5. An expression formed by adding and multiplying variables and constants.
  3. 9. theorem A theorem used to find the remainder when a polynomial is divided by (x - c).
  4. 11. function A function with the form f(x) = ax^n, where a and n are constants.
  5. 12. function A function expressed as the quotient of two polynomials.
  6. 15. The number of times a root occurs in a polynomial.
  7. 16. A set of ordered pairs that relate two sets of data.
  8. 17. maximum The highest point on a graph within a local range.
  9. 18. function A polynomial function of degree 3.
  1. 1. A function with abrupt changes or gaps in its graph.
  2. 2. theorem A formula for expanding the power of a binomial expression.
  3. 4. asymptote A vertical line approached but never crossed by a function's graph.
  4. 6. rate of change The average slope of a function over an interval.
  5. 7. A statistical technique to model relationships between variables.
  6. 8. A discontinuity that can be eliminated by redefining the function at a particular point
  7. 10. Formula imaginary A formula to find the roots of quadratic equations, including imaginary solutions.
  8. 13. odd function A function that is unchanged when reflected over the origin and has odd symmetry.
  9. 14. division A method to divide polynomials for polynomial long division.