
  1. 5. uses >,<,= as the main signs
  2. 9. 5 sided shape (2D)
  3. 12. (32-11)/3
  4. 13. what is () in PEMDAS
  5. 16. =
  6. 17. a plane curve which is mirror-symmetrical (U shape)
  7. 18. The number of points in a circle
  8. 19. Consists of natural numbers, 0, and opposite of natural numbers
  9. 20. part of a whole
  10. 23. {2,3,4}n{1,2}
  1. 1. making the denominator from root to a whole number
  2. 2. 5 sided shape (2D)
  3. 3. 3 sided shape (2D)
  4. 4. A measure of the number of elements of the set
  5. 6. -
  6. 7. dividing in math term
  7. 8. U in a venn diagram
  8. 10. ___of a line to show how steep the line is
  9. 11. A=1/2 x (a+b)h
  10. 14. nine sided shape (2D)
  11. 15. 3D form of a circle
  12. 21. 3d form of square
  13. 22. Find x! 2x+7=15