
  1. 3. a number that can be divided by another number without a remainder
  2. 6. the magnitude of a real number without regard to its sign.
  3. 8. the result of a numbers subtracted from another number
  4. 10. an angle between the horizontal plane and oblique line from the observer's eye to some object above his eye
  5. 11. to make something simpler
  6. 12. another term for factorize
  7. 14. relating to or denoting a system of numbers and arithmetic based on the number ten, tenth parts, and powers of ten.
  8. 15. a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.
  9. 16. a number that is not a whole number
  10. 20. the smallest multiple that two or more numbers share
  11. 22. money put in a bank account
  12. 24. the result of two numbers when multiplied together
  13. 26. the price for a service or good
  14. 27. a number without fractions
  1. 1. fraction decimal or integer
  2. 2. the result of dividing one number by another
  3. 4. number a number that has more than two factors
  4. 5. the largest factor that two numbers share
  5. 7. two numbers that when added together equal zero
  6. 9. breaking down a number into prime factors
  7. 13. he number that is divided by another number
  8. 17. the ability to receive a good or service now, and pay later
  9. 18. the result of two or more numbers added together
  10. 19. taking money out of a bank account
  11. 21. a positive integer
  12. 23. a whole number greater than 1 that cannot be exactly divided by any whole number other than itself
  13. 25. having a position on the other or further side of something; facing something, especially something of the same type.