
  1. 5. integer,fractions,irrational numbers are all ____ ______
  2. 8. this is a point of an equation when it breaks ____
  3. 10. a multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x, denoted by 1/x or x⁻
  4. 12. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  5. 14. relating to or denoting a system of numbers and arithmetic based on the number ten, tenth parts, and powers of ten.
  6. 16. positive intigers
  7. 19. a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.
  8. 20. a problems always ends has an ________ at the end
  9. 21. an equation with multiple solutions
  10. 23. solving leaves no awnser
  11. 24. half of one is a
  12. 25. this equation is an ___________ property
  13. 26. A common technique for simplifying algebraic expression
  1. 1. a real number that cannot be expresssed as a ratio of integers
  2. 2. this word has four number properties
  3. 3. a solution that is a unique _________
  4. 4. a number that is expressed as the ratio of two integers, where the denominator should not be equal to zero
  5. 6. the distribution of the number of trialn needed to get rth successes
  6. 7. the awnser to an equation
  7. 9. any mathematical statement which consists of numbers, variables and an arithmetic operation between them
  8. 11. an unequal equation is an
  9. 13. the way making a hard equation easier
  10. 15. pair of mathmatical manipulations
  11. 17. a plair thats sum is zero
  12. 18. a number without fractions,integer
  13. 22. a word that helps simplyfied math ____