
  1. 1. impose a treatment in collecting data
  2. 3. normal distribution; mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1
  3. 6. value is determined by outcome of a probability experiment
  4. 8. (3 words)ldentify,choose,collect,organize and describe, conclusion
  5. 11. claim about characteristics of a population
  6. 14. bell-shaped curve; symmetric about the mean
  7. 16. subset of population
  8. 17. collection of all data
  9. 20. rule (ex:every other person)
  10. 21. function that gives the probability of each possible value
  11. 22. volunteer
  12. 23. bell-shaped curve
  13. 24. number of standard deviation
  1. 2. bias
  2. 4. observes only in collecting data
  3. 5. multiple groups then pick one of the groups
  4. 7. sample people that are easy to reach
  5. 9. uses a model to reproduce conditions of a process in collecting data
  6. 10. numerical description of sample
  7. 12. error that results in misrepresentation of a population
  8. 13. representative of the population
  9. 15. multiple groups;then picked people from each group
  10. 18. numerical description of population
  11. 19. preferred method;likely to be representative of the population; equal chance
  12. 25. every member is asked question