
  1. 1. g(f(x))
  2. 3. The real number of a polynomial
  3. 5. The x coordinates of a function
  4. 6. The solutions of a function
  5. 9. ax2+bx+c
  6. 13. used to determine if a function is one-to-one
  7. 18. i2=-1
  8. 20. the number in front of the largest variable
  9. 21. The number of times that a number is in a polynomial
  10. 22. The lowest point in a graph
  11. 24. All possible rational zeros of a polynomial
  12. 26. the end behavior of a functions (f(x) as x→±∞)
  13. 27. The highest point in a graph
  14. 28. x=c of f(x) if x→c±
  15. 29. The inputs of a functions only go to one output
  1. 2. y-y1=m(x-x1)
  2. 3. a+bi
  3. 4. A set of points in a plane
  4. 7. The real number c is a zero of a polynomial if and only if (x-c) is a factor
  5. 8. If we divide a polynomial by a polynomial with a lower degree we will get a unique quotient and q(x) and r(x)
  6. 10. highest degree of a polynomial
  7. 11. Under the square root of the quadratic function
  8. 12. A test to determine if a set of points is a function
  9. 14. [-(M+1),(M+1)]
  10. 15. function y=mx+b
  11. 16. The y coordinates of a function
  12. 17. (h,k)
  13. 19. When p(x) is divided by (x-c), the remainder is p(c)
  14. 23. Counting Numbers
  15. 25. a polynomial function divided by another polynomial function