
  1. 2. Two halves that match perfectly and are identical across an axis.
  2. 4. A three-sided polygon
  3. 5. A metric unit of measurement for length, abbreviated as cm. 2.5 cm is approximately equal to an inch.
  4. 8. Equation An equation that contains two variables and can be plotted on a graph as a straight line.
  5. 9. The unit of an angle's measure represented with the symbol
  6. 10. Number A whole number is a positive integer
  7. 13. Segment A straight path that has two endpoints, a beginning and an end.
  8. 15. The value of x where a line or curve intersects the x-axis
  9. 17. The value of y where a line or curve intersects the y-axis.
  10. 18. A straight line touching a curve from only one point.
  11. 20. Angles Two angles are supplementary if their sum is equal to 180°
  1. 1. The operation of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities by "taking away" one from the other.
  2. 3. The complete distance around a circle or a square.
  3. 6. A segment joining two points on a circle
  4. 7. Two lines or line segments intersecting to form a right angle.
  5. 11. The solution to a division problem
  6. 12. A number being divided into equal parts
  7. 14. A statement that shows the equality of two expressions by joining them with an equals sign.
  8. 15. The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane
  9. 16. The volume of substance that a container will hold.
  10. 17. The vertical axis in a coordinate plane.
  11. 19. Slope shows the steepness or incline of a line and is determined by comparing the positions of two points on the line