
  1. 2. To mean 2
  2. 3. Lower
  3. 6. Percent of something
  4. 9. length times width
  5. 12. Subject involving numbers
  6. 14. To mean 4
  7. 15. Take something away
  8. 17. Math equation
  9. 19. To mean 3
  10. 20. Length times width
  1. 1. Raise
  2. 4. Area of a circle
  3. 5. To mean 1
  4. 7. 3 dimensional round object
  5. 8. Length plus length plus width plus width
  6. 10. To times something
  7. 11. Things you count with
  8. 13. Put something together
  9. 16. Split
  10. 18. Total of something being added