
  1. 2. all 4 sides are the same length and it is right angle
  2. 5. formed by 3 line segments that intersect only at endpoints
  3. 7. a mirror image of the original figure
  4. 8. a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel lines
  5. 10. all angles have the same measure
  6. 12. an operation that maps an original geometric figure
  7. 13. father of mathematics
  8. 14. the sides that form the right angle
  9. 15. figures have the same shape and size
  10. 16. first woman in math
  11. 17. the point where the sides of an angle meet
  12. 18. the point of intersection of the X axis and Y axis
  13. 20. hardest maths question
  1. 1. one of the 4 regions that are separated by the coordinate plane
  2. 3. any set of ordered pairs
  3. 4. hardest unsolved maths question
  4. 6. Line that intersects 2 or more lines
  5. 9. a transformation in which a figure is rotated
  6. 11. slides a figure from one position to another without
  7. 19. amount of money invested or borrowed