
  1. 2. Intricate geometric patterns, the beauty of mathematics in nature.
  2. 6. Math's secret codebreaker, it unveils the power hidden in exponentiation.
  3. 7. a series that represents an expansion of a function into a sum of terms that is infinite
  4. 8. The unsolvable manuscript
  5. 10.
  6. 11. Set theory's headcount, revealing the magnitude of mathematical populations.
  7. 12. Direct relationship between 2 variables
  8. 15. Mathematical balance point, where geometric gravity finds its equilibrium.
  9. 16. When both sides have to agree to the decisions made they can not increase payoff by changing decisions
  1. 1. Array of mathematical elements that transforms puzzles into solutions.
  2. 3. a statistical technique that relates a dependent variable to one or more independent (explanatory) variables
  3. 4. Any number that is not an Algebraic Number
  4. 5. numbers that are infinitely long
  5. 9. Nature's most important constant
  6. 13. Geometric shapes with outward grace, no internal angle out of place.
  7. 14. Statistical symphony where averages hit the right note.
  8. 17. Endless loop of mathematical wonder, a twist in the fabric of geometry.