
  1. 3. Value - amount after 4 years that the lender receives from the borrower
  2. 6. - a person that loans money
  3. 7. Interest - interest is computed on the principle
  4. 10. Date - date on which money the money borrowed or loan
  5. 11. Annuity - interest conversion or compounding period is equal or the same as the payment interval
  6. 13. - amount of money borrowed or invested
  7. 15. Annuity - the periodic payment is not made at the beginning nor at the end of each payment interval, but some later date
  8. 16. - amount paid or earned for the use of money
  1. 1. Date - date on wich money is received by the borrower
  2. 2. Annuity - annuity in which the periodic payment is made at the end of each payment interval.
  3. 4. - a person who owes the money
  4. 5. - fixed sum of money paid to someone at regular Intervals
  5. 8. Value of an annuity - is the total accumulation of the payments and interest earned
  6. 9. Annuity - interest conversion or compounding period is unequal or not the same as the payment interval
  7. 12. Value of an annuity - is the principal that must be invested today to provide the regular payments of an annuity.
  8. 14. - usually in percent, charge by the lender