
  1. 3. an image of a figure that is similar to the original
  2. 4. the figure that results from some transformation of a figure. It's important to consider what is the same and what is different about a figure and its image
  3. 5. the constant value that is multiplied by one variable
  4. 6. an equation stating that two ratios are equal
  5. 7. the variable that does not depend on the other
  6. 11. a negative number and a positive number paired together
  7. 13. a comparison of the two quantities (ex: two lengths)
  8. 14. a rate in which the second quantity is 1 unit
  9. 15. the number that the corresponding side lengths of one figure is multiplied by to get the corresponding side lengths in the other figure also equivalent to the ratio of sides when written as a fraction
  10. 16. two or more expressions that have the same value regardless of what number is substituted for the variable
  11. 18. figures that have equal corresponding angles and the ratios of every pair of corresponding sides are equal
  12. 19. how one value changes in relation to another
  1. 1. the variable that depends on another
  2. 2. ratios compare one part to the whole
  3. 8. compare one part of the whole to the other part of the whole
  4. 9. two ratios that express the same relationship between numbers, can look like equivalent fractions
  5. 10. set of whole numbers, their opposites
  6. 12. two sides that meet at a vertex, in a polygon (two sides that are next to each other in a polygon
  7. 15. the steepness of the line. Can be shown on the ratio of rise to run or vertical change to horizontal change
  8. 17. numbers that can be expressed as one integer and divided by another integer, where b is not zero