
  1. 4. alike, orange and apple are round
  2. 5. right angles are this
  3. 7. exterior angle sum
  4. 8. different types of shapes with a certain amount of sides
  5. 10. around the shape an amount or sum is needed to be found
  6. 12. interior angles
  7. 13. the surface area
  8. 14. like a kite
  9. 16. lines
  10. 18. addition and subtration are the inverse of each other
  1. 1. If a boy starts running from point 'A' and reaches the same point after taking one complete round of the park, a distance is covered by him.
  2. 2. exterior angles
  3. 3. certain amount of sides,vertices, and angles
  4. 4. angles
  5. 5. coordinates
  6. 6. inequality theorem
  7. 9. corner
  8. 11. "If it rains, then they cancel school" is "If they cancel school, then it rains."
  9. 15. middle
  10. 17. db=dc