
  1. 2. graph of a polynomial intersects x axis at one point then it has __ Zeroes
  2. 7. lines are coincident then it has ____ sol.
  3. 8. If we join two hemispheres of same radius along their bases, then we get a _____
  4. 10. degree of the polynomial x^5 +x^2+8 is
  5. 11. alpha and beta are ____ of a polynomial
  6. 13. If the prime factorisation of a no. is in form 2n ×5m then it has ____ decimal
  7. 16. smallest even prime no.
  8. 17. 3 plus 2 root 5 is rational
  9. 19. a system has no solution when lines are _____
  1. 1. if lines of a pair of linear quations intersect at a point it has a ___ soln.
  2. 3. the ___ of 6,72 and 120 is 6
  3. 4. if pair of linear equations has one or more solutions it is__
  4. 5. 2 is a zero of p(x)= x²-x-2
  5. 6. A polynomial of degree 3 is called _==_ Polynomial
  6. 8. if (x+3) is a factor of a² +12x -13 then what is value of a ?
  7. 9. product of two numbers is ____×lcm
  8. 12. ___ of 96 and 404 is 9696.
  9. 14. if lines are parallel a system has __ solution.
  10. 15. root 5 is a ____ number.
  11. 18. graph of a quadratic polynomial is a ____