  1. 2. The vertical change between any two points on a line
  2. 3. The ratio of the lengths of two corresponding sides of two similar polygons
  3. 6. A property that states to find the power of a power, multiply the exponents
  4. 7. A function whose rate of change is not constant. The graph of a nonlinear function is not a straight line
  5. 8. An equation with a graph that is a straight line
  6. 9. A property that states to find the power of a product, find the power of each factor and multiply
  7. 12. The horizontal change between any two points on a line
  8. 13. A number that cannot be expressed as the ration A/B where a and b are integers and b cancels out 0
  9. 16. A 3D figure with one circular base connected by a curved surface to a single point
  10. 18. The big number that is the common factor in 10^3 in a power
  11. 21. The line over which a figure is reflected in a transformation
  12. 23. An algebaic model that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations
  13. 24. If one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of transformations and dilations
  14. 25. of equations A set of two or more equations with the same variables
  15. 26. One three equal factors of a number if a^3=b then a is the cube root of b
  16. 29. The two sides of a triangle that form the right angle
  17. 32. Numbers that can be written as the ratio of two integers in which the denominator is not zero.
  18. 35. A number whose square root is a whole number. 25 is a perfect square because its square root is 5
  19. 36. A transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed
  20. 38. Points that are all together on a coordinate plane
  21. 39. In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat
  22. 40. The original figure before a transformation
  23. 41. The second number of an ordered pair
  24. 42. A line that is very close to most of the data points in a scatter plot
  25. 45. Terms that contain the same variables to the same power
  26. 46. A graph that shows the relationship between bivariate data graphed as ordered pairs on a coordinate plane
  27. 49. A property that states to multiply powers with the same base, add their exponents
  28. 52. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  29. 54. A decimal where the repeating digit is zero
  30. 55. The resulting figure after a transformation
  31. 56. A function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  32. 58. To fall in a straight line
  33. 61. An equation written in the form y=mx+b
  34. 62. An angle inside a polygon
  35. 63. The rate of change between any two points on a line
  36. 64. A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate plane. The ordered pair is written in this form :(X-coordinate, Y-coordinate)
  37. 66. One of the two equal factors of a number
  38. 67. A triangle with one right angle
  39. 68. An angle between on side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side
  40. 69. In a power the number of times the base is used as a factor in 10^3 the exponent ins 3
  41. 71. A relation in which each member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the output
  42. 72. The X-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x-axis
  43. 73. The first number in an ordered pair
  44. 74. Two lines that intersect to form right angles
  45. 75. the numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  1. 1. The result of repeated division used to represent very small numbers
  2. 4. The symbol used to indicate a positive square root
  3. 5. An operation that maps a geometric figure, preimage, onto a new figure image
  4. 6. A product of repeated factors using an exponent and a base.
  5. 9. Lines in the same plane that never intersect or cross. The symbol || means parallel
  6. 10. Each part of an expression separated by an addition or subtraction sign
  7. 11. A property that states to divide powers with the same base, subtract their exponents
  8. 12. A transformation where a figure is flipped over a line
  9. 14. A line that intersects two or more other lines
  10. 15. (Pythagorean Theorem) A theorem that can be used to test whether a triangle is a right triangle
  11. 17. Pairs of operations that undo each other.
  12. 19. The degree measure of the angle through which a figure is rotated
  13. 20. An ordered pair that is a solution of both equations (Of a system of equations)
  14. 22. In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse c is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths to the legs
  15. 26. having the same measure; if one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of rotations, reflections, or translations
  16. 27. Part of a line containing two endpoints and all of the points between them
  17. 28. A symbol usually a letter used to represent a number in mathematical expressions or sentences
  18. 30. The set of X-coordinates in a relation
  19. 31. A 3D figure with two parallel congruent circular bases connected by a curved surface
  20. 33. A transformation that slides a figure from one position to another without turning
  21. 34. One of the two equal factors of a number
  22. 37. A rate in which the first quantity is compared to 1 unit of the second quantity
  23. 43. A transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure by a scale factor
  24. 44. A number whose cube root is an integer. 27 is a perfect cube because its cube root is 3
  25. 47. The point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis in a coordinate plane
  26. 48. an algebraic method that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations by elimination one of the variables
  27. 50. Angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines in relation to a transversal
  28. 51. The set of y-coordinates in a relation
  29. 53. A compact way of writing numbers with absolute values that are very large or very small.
  30. 57. a rule that states that any nonzero number to the zero power is equivalent to 1
  31. 59. The y-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y-axis
  32. 60. Figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
  33. 65. The measure of the space occupied by a solid.
  34. 70. statement or conjecture that can be proven