  1. 3. The amount of 3-dimensional space something takes up
  2. 8. The starting point
  3. 9. The result of multiplying a number by an integer
  4. 10. The difference between the lowest and highest values.
  5. 11. the average of the numbers
  6. 13. The total area of the surface of a three-dimensional object.
  7. 15. adding a number
  8. 17. A general term meaning 1
  9. 19. is when we multiply to remove the ( )
  10. 20. A symbol for a value we don't know yet. It is usually a letter like x or y
  1. 1. A fixed value.
  2. 2. The numbers we use in everyday life are decimal numbers, as they are based on the 10 digits
  3. 4. A value that "lies outside"
  4. 5. A set of values that show an exact position.
  5. 6. In Algebra a term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together.
  6. 7. A whole number above 1 that can not be made by multiplying other whole numbers.
  7. 12. A pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a solid shape.
  8. 14. A comparison of two related quantities
  9. 16. The "middle" of a sorted list of numbers
  10. 18. 4 triangles with a 3-4 sided shape