
  1. 2. A specific position on a line, plane, or in space.
  2. 4. – points that do not lie on the same plane.
  3. 6. A closed figure with eight sides.
  4. 7. – points that lie on the same line.
  5. 10. A solid or hollow object that tapers from a circular or roughly circular base to a point.
  6. 11. A flat two-dimensional surface upon which two-dimensional objects (e.g., circle, square) can lie, or the face of a three-dimensional object as it creates a surface (e.g., face of a cube); the dimensions of which are infinite.
  7. 13. Also known as corner/corners. The point at which two sides of a two-dimensional figure or two edges of a three-dimensional figure meet.
  8. 15. A special type of rectangle that has equilateral (same length) sides and parallel opposite sides.
  9. 16. A round body whose surface is at all points equidistant from the center.
  10. 19. a segment – a point that divides the segment into two congruent segments.
  11. 20. – angles that have the same measure.
  12. 23. – angle whose measure is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
  13. 25. Having a plane-like quality.
  14. 26. – ray that divides an angle into two congruent adjacent angles.
  15. 27. Terminology to describe the dimensions of an object or set. With young children, the terms large, medium, small, taller, shorter, longer, less than and greater than are all appropriate.
  16. 28. – points that do not lie on the same line.
  17. 31. Two lines that meet to make a corner.
  18. 32. – angle whose measure is 180 degrees.
  19. 34. A closed figure with three sides.
  20. 35. Identical in size and shape.
  21. 36. – angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
  1. 1. Sides that are the same length.
  2. 2. A closed figure with five sides.
  3. 3. – points that lie on the same plane.
  4. 5. Surface planes of three-dimensional shapes.
  5. 8. is the part of a line that contains an endpoint and all points extending in the other direction.
  6. 9. a segment – line, ray segment, or plane that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
  7. 11. A three-dimensional figure on which the faces are triangular and converge to a single point at the top. Pyramids are named after the shape of their base (triangular pyramid, square pyramid, rectangular pyramid).
  8. 12. A closed figure with six sides.
  9. 14. A closed figure with seven sides.
  10. 17. A three-dimensional figure with identical equilateral squares as faces (a cube is also a prism, see square prism below).
  11. 18. segments – segments that have the same length.
  12. 20. A two-dimensional shape in which all points on the curved line are equidistant from a center point.
  13. 21. A two-dimensional, closed, four-sided figure with four right angles.
  14. 22. The meeting of two faces on a three-dimensional shape.
  15. 24. Two lines in a two-dimensional space that do not meet (for example, the opposite sides of a square). A parallelogram has two sets of parallel lines.
  16. 29. – angle whose measure is between 0 degrees and 90 degrees.
  17. 30. A three-dimensional figure with identical ends. Named after the two-dimensional shape at the ends. For instance, a rectangular prism has identical rectangles at each end.
  18. 33. A closed four-sided figure with parallel opposite sides. A square is a special kind of rhombus. Sometimes called a diamond.