
  1. 2. property of equality - anything times by zero is zero
  2. 5. of items in the data
  3. 7. - sentences that uses>’<
  4. 10. a process of placing points
  5. 12. a number, variable, products with more than one variables
  6. 14. triangle have to quadrance
  7. 16. common denominator- least number used
  8. 18. -a relationship between a constant rate
  9. 20. equivalent rates\ratios
  10. 22. a polyhedron with parallel congruent faces
  11. 23. inverse-two numbers with the product of 1
  1. 1. ratio-two ration that have the same value
  2. 3. -center in a a numerical date
  3. 4. amount paid
  4. 6. expression-expression raised to the first power
  5. 8. property of multiplication-the product of a number
  6. 9. the chance of something happening or being done
  7. 10. common factor- the greatest common number
  8. 11. a simple closed figure with with 3 lines
  9. 13. number from from the set-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
  10. 15. numbers multiplied by each other
  11. 17. - also known as the tip
  12. 18. change-ratio that shows there was a change in percent
  13. 19. the amount of money used or gained
  14. 21. the ratio of a circumference of a circle