
  1. 3. to numbers times each other
  2. 8. put to numbers together to make a bigger number
  3. 9. angle only 180 degrees
  4. 10. a shape where triangles meet at a point at the top
  5. 11. the number below the numerator
  6. 13. to lines at never cross
  7. 14. a angle that is 90 degrees only
  8. 17. y=mx+b what is that called
  9. 18. parallelogram with consecutive sides congruent.
  10. 19. a line that passes through the middle of the circle
  11. 20. a angle bigger than 90 degrees
  1. 1. put two numbers together and make a smaller number
  2. 2. the inside of the 3d shape
  3. 4. two circles as the base
  4. 5. a angle that is 0 to 90 degrees
  5. 6. in a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the
  6. 7. a line that goes to he middle of the circle but does not go through
  7. 12. to tines cross what is the area called
  8. 15. square to the power of two
  9. 16. two numbers splitting each other apart what is that called