
  1. 3. y
  2. 4. starting point
  3. 6. rise over run
  4. 10. common difference by subtracting or adding
  5. 11. x
  6. 14. cubed
  7. 16. any equation that has a square root
  8. 18. multiple terms
  9. 19. when the common ratio is multiplying
  10. 20. vetical
  1. 1. variable
  2. 2. the opposite
  3. 5. a fixed value
  4. 7. information arranged in rows and columns
  5. 8. any square root
  6. 9. divide
  7. 12. when all inputs equal all outputs
  8. 13. horizontal
  9. 15. one term
  10. 17. x starting points