
  1. 3. A branch of mathematics that studies the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
  2. 4. Another word for nine
  3. 7. The distance from any point on the circumference of a circle to the centre
  4. 8. The product of all the positive integers equal to the given integer
  5. 12. Another word for one
  6. 13. The point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis
  7. 14. A branch of mathematics that studies the relationships between the sides and angles of triangles
  8. 15. Another mathematical word for ten
  9. 16. The third 3-dimensional axis starting from front and going to the back
  10. 17. An expression consisting of 2 terms
  11. 19. Known as the father of mathematics
  12. 22. A set of points extending infinitely
  13. 23. A list or note that explains the meaning of each symbol on a graph or map
  14. 25. The branch of mathematics dealing with unknown quantities
  15. 26. The vertical number line on a Cartesian plane that starts at negative infinity and increases to positive infinity
  1. 1. A six sided polygon
  2. 2. The chance of happening of an event
  3. 5. The horizontal number line on a Cartesian plane
  4. 6. The coordinate axes divide the plane into four parts called
  5. 9. A letter that represents an unknown number in an equation, expression, or formula
  6. 10. The horizontal measurement of an object from side to side, measured at right angles to the length
  7. 11. A point where two or more mathematical objects meet or intersect
  8. 18. SI unit of length
  9. 20. A branch of mathematics that studies continuous change
  10. 21. A set of positive numbers, negative numbers and 0
  11. 24. A branch of applied mathematics that involves collecting, describing, analysing, and drawing conclusions from quantitative data