  1. 2. Fraction Fraction with a numerator of 1
  2. 3. The unit for measuring angles
  3. 10. Angles are formed by 2
  4. 11. of Symmetry a line that cuts a shape exactly in half.
  5. 12. Numbers numbers that have exactly 2 factors
  6. 13. Three sided shape
  7. 14. 4 sided plane shapes
  8. 15. yard 3 feet
  9. 17. Hundred sixty A full turn around the circle measures
  1. 1. Numbers Consist of a whole number and a fraction
  2. 4. Fractions One-half, two-fourths, three-sixths
  3. 5. Numbers numbers that are not divisible by 2
  4. 6. Numbers with 2 or more factors
  5. 7. the numbers created by multiplying two factors
  6. 8. Numbers Numbers that are divisible by 2
  7. 9. Quadrilaterals with 2 pairs of parallel sides
  8. 15. foot 12 Inches
  9. 16. Angle Measures 180 degrees