
  1. 2. zero, zero
  2. 3. triangle with 2 or more equal sides and angles
  3. 6. triangle with 3 equal sides and angles
  4. 9. answer to addition problem
  5. 11. less that 90 degrees
  6. 12. middle number in a data set
  7. 15. where 2 faces meet
  8. 18. more than 90 degress, less than 180 degrees
  9. 20. exactly 2 factors
  10. 21. bottom of a fraction
  11. 24. corner
  12. 25. number of quadrants in a coordinate plane
  13. 26. line from center of circle to the outside
  14. 28. neither prime or composite
  15. 29. base times height
  16. 30. difference between maximum and minimun
  17. 33. numbers used to identify a point on a coordinate grid
  18. 35. amount of space occupied by a 3D object
  19. 36. average
  20. 37. exact same size and shape
  21. 38. more than 2 factors
  22. 40. answer to subtraction problem
  1. 1. 3D shape like a pop can
  2. 4. round 3D solid
  3. 5. how you normally write a number
  4. 7. numerator is bigger than denominator
  5. 8. any side of a solid
  6. 10. any side of a shape (we usually use the bottom)
  7. 12. whole number and a fraction together
  8. 13. top of a fraction
  9. 14. line that goes from one side of a circle to the other
  10. 16. raised number to the power of
  11. 17. distance from base to opposite side
  12. 19. 3rd decimal place from one
  13. 22. occurs most often in a set of data
  14. 23. distance around the circle
  15. 27. triangle with all 3 sides and angles different
  16. 31. many sided closed figure
  17. 32. answer to a multiplication problem
  18. 34. distance around the outside of a polygon
  19. 39. 3.14
  20. 41. 3D prism with all sides congruent