
  1. 3. a number you multiply to get the desired number
  2. 4. another word for add
  3. 6. in math means you are taking something away from the
  4. 7. the end result of a answer you get a total
  5. 9. another way to say addition
  6. 10. is taking two numbers or more and adding them
  7. 12. the opposite of multiply
  8. 13. is a result of subtracting
  9. 14. of a number is that a number multiplied
  10. 15. fraction when the numerater is bigger then
  11. 17. to get the sum you have to add two or more numbers together
  1. 1. a another way to know if you are dividing
  2. 2. is the result of multiplying
  3. 5. reprsents a part of a hole
  4. 8. is a shorthand way to say if something is divisible
  5. 9. is the small angle smaller then 90 degrees
  6. 11. is a whole number and a fraction combined
  7. 13. another way to say if something is divisible
  8. 16. formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers.