
  1. 2. when your music is too loud you "what" is too loud?
  2. 3. has 3 sides.
  3. 4. when you add, subtract, divide and multiply numbers you are?
  4. 7. has 7 sides.
  5. 10. picture way of showing work/data.
  6. 11. when you are finding equations or dealing with numbers you are?
  7. 12. when you say y=mx+b what does the b represent.
  8. 15. solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
  9. 17. 4 sided figure.
  10. 18. your final sentence when you solve an equation.
  11. 21. has 7 sides.
  1. 1. the opposite of division is?
  2. 5. represents equal parts of a whole.
  3. 6. the opposite of width.
  4. 8. has 6 sides.
  5. 9. when you need to find the length and width you are?
  6. 13. the opposite of length.
  7. 14. has 8 sides.
  8. 16. the price or cost of something.
  9. 19. a figure with at least 3 straight sides and angles.
  10. 20. when you say y=mx+b what does the m stand for?