
  1. 1. P-value we reject the Ho, because the smaller P-value, the stronger the evidence against Ho and in favor of Ha
  2. 5. Second condition checked for sample means
  3. 6. Always stated before we see the data
  4. 8. Read as "H naught"
  5. 10. A statistic measured from a sample
  6. 13. Is the probability that measures the strength of the evidence against Ho and in favor of Ha
  7. 14. 1st condition to check
  8. 17. Hypotheses always refer to this
  9. 18. Best teacher ever
  10. 20. An interval of plausible values for an unknown parameter value
  11. 21. Number range when you are a certain percent confident
  1. 2. Distance from point estimate for the interval
  2. 3. Interpret the interval in _______
  3. 4. Parameter is above or below claim
  4. 7. Parameter is not equal to but could be above or below
  5. 9. P-value in which we fail to the reject the Ho,because we failed to find evidence against it
  6. 11. Symbol is an upside down n
  7. 12. Determined by the confidence level C
  8. 15. Condition checked to determine status of data
  9. 16. Read as "H sub-a"
  10. 19. mean Symbol know as x bar