
  1. 4. having a lower value
  2. 7. having the same value
  3. 13. any number divisible by 2
  4. 14. process of repeated addition two numbers
  5. 15. numerals found in all numbers
  6. 16. having a higher value
  7. 17. process of taking a number away from another one
  8. 18. written symbol that indicates a value
  9. 19. process of bringing two numbers together
  10. 20. sum divided by the count
  1. 1. putting a number back together
  2. 2. parts per 100
  3. 3. part of a whole
  4. 5. collection of numbers
  5. 6. number that contains a decimal point
  6. 8. two numbers added together in a addition problem
  7. 9. result of subtraction number
  8. 10. number that divides into another
  9. 11. solve for a value of numbers
  10. 12. process of splitting two numbers
  11. 20. set of numbers