
  1. 3. two end points
  2. 5. the same posistion
  3. 8. one or more numbers
  4. 12. geomatric transformation
  5. 14. highest point
  6. 17. a slide
  7. 18. a flip
  8. 19. connect a number
  9. 20. opposite of negative
  1. 1. oppsoite of clockwise
  2. 2. Plane figure rotates
  3. 4. a turn
  4. 6. Outline
  5. 7. 4 of them
  6. 9. 0,0
  7. 10. oppsoite of Postive
  8. 11. a line
  9. 13. sides are the same
  10. 15. number greater than 1
  11. 16. rightmost posistion of a number