
  1. 2. A triangle that has a 90 degrees angle.
  2. 5. A shape looks the same when rotated.
  3. 7. An area or section of the Cartesian plane.
  4. 8. The (0,0) location on the Cartesian plane.
  5. 10. The same shape but a different size.
  6. 14. A polygon with equal sides and angles.
  7. 17. A numerical coordinate system that has positive and negative numbers.
  8. 18. Moving a shape 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.
  9. 19. A triangle with all angles less than 90 degrees.
  10. 20. The set of all output values it may produce.
  1. 1. A shape is repeated to make a pattern that covers an area.
  2. 3. A triangle with all the same angles.
  3. 4. Moving a shape from one spot to another.
  4. 6. Moving a shape but it can be turned.
  5. 9. The point a shape is being rotated over.
  6. 11. A triangle with an angle over 90 degrees.
  7. 12. Mirroring a shape over a certain point.
  8. 13. A triangle that has two of the same angles.
  9. 15. The same shape and same size.
  10. 16. A triangle that has all different angles.