
  1. 4. Name for when you divide numbers
  2. 7. Number beside X in equations
  3. 8. A half, third, fifth, etc.
  4. 11. the number found using division
  5. 15. Equations involving more then or less then
  6. 18. Make an equation simpler
  7. 19. A type of equation involving y=mx+b
  8. 21. polygon with four equal sides
  9. 23. (No space) a squared + b squared = c squared
  10. 24. Name for when you multiply numbers
  11. 25. the number found using multiplication
  1. 1. Involved in Algebraic equations without being beside X
  2. 2. A type of equation that looks like a curve when graphed
  3. 3. Line covering opposite sides in a circle
  4. 5. Equation Ex: 2x3y
  5. 6. Perfectly round shape with no sides
  6. 9. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
  7. 10. Name for when you subtract numbers
  8. 12. numbers Below 0
  9. 13. Line from middle to the side of a circle
  10. 14. Number used in every equation for circles can be simplified to 3.14
  11. 16. All real numbers
  12. 17. Equation involving X
  13. 20. Name for when you add numbers
  14. 22. Name for X in equations