
  1. 4. the distance around a circle
  2. 5. rise over run
  3. 7. a side of a 3d object
  4. 10. a letter in an equaton
  5. 11. the area inside of a shape
  6. 13. the little number at the top of a number
  7. 14. the bottom
  8. 16. closed circle to the right
  9. 17. quotient
  10. 19. has an equal sign
  11. 20. product
  12. 21. open circle to the right
  1. 1. closed circle to he left
  2. 2. the length across a circle
  3. 3. the length from the center of a center to the outside
  4. 6. open circl to the left
  5. 8. shapes
  6. 9. where a line crosses over the y axis
  7. 12. one to another
  8. 15. to add to
  9. 18. to take away