Math Algebra

  1. 2. An unknown element
  2. 7. The process used when words "product, multiply, and times" are used
  3. 11. The process used when words "sum, total, and add" are used
  4. 13. A line of math with multiple terms
  5. 15. A number if the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers
  1. 1. The process used when "minus, take away, or fewer than" is used
  2. 3. A method when dividing large numbers into multiple smaller groups
  3. 4. The process used when words "average, per, or cut" is used
  4. 5. A relationship or expression involving one or more variables
  5. 6. A formula used for Quadratic Equations
  6. 8. Another way of writing out an imaginary number
  7. 9. A result when a squared number is negative
  8. 10. An equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1
  9. 12. The set of all possible y-values
  10. 14. All values that go into a function