Math Assignment

  1. 3. Ladder is analogous to:
  2. 4. Size of the set S is known as _ number denoted as |S|
  3. 6. In a function, it refers to the set of all possible input values, representing the valid 'inputs' for the mathematical operation
  4. 7. A function that is injective and surjective
  5. 8. Social Network can be an example of:
  6. 11. A node ‘v’ is said to be _ node of node ‘u’ if and only if there exists an edge between ‘u’ and ‘v’.
  7. 13. In _ graph, multiple edges edges are allowed
  8. 16. An element is related to itself (relation)
  9. 19. If a*b = b*a, it is called _ ring
  10. 20. Conditional statements are also known as
  11. 21. An element in a commutative ring that has no multiplicative inverse.
  1. 1. Partition of a set means _ of mutually disjoint subsets of that set
  2. 2. I will eat a sandwich or I will not eat a sandwich. I will not eat a sandwich or I will eat a sandwich. What condition I am in?
  3. 3. One can express definition in an easier way using
  4. 5. Reena- At the farewell, I don't like chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream. Riya - U know Reena told me that at farewell she doesn't like chocolate ice cream and she doesn't like vanilla ice cream. Which principle is this?
  5. 9. If aRb, bRa => a=b for all a,b belonging to A, then the relation is
  6. 10. One one and onto function
  7. 12. When there exists a path that traverses each edge exactly once such that the path begins and ends at the same vertex, the path is known as an
  8. 14. A non empty set together with partial order relation
  9. 15. The number of elements in a finite group
  10. 17. Relation is both reflexive and symmetric
  11. 18. Total number of edges are n with n vertices in: