Math Class

  1. 5. Wrote and sang the #1 hit country song. Currently waiting for the next album to drop.
  2. 6. Every hairstyle is unique but always looks great. Really puts together the best outfits.
  3. 7. Always entertains people with the strange stories from her job at the vet.
  4. 8. Always has a fact for every niche/time in history you can think of. Would absolutely annihilate other contestants on Jeopardy.
  5. 9. Not afraid to get out of her comfort zone while trying new sports. She’s also a Gym Bro. Consumes enough protein to fulfill the entire class’ nutritional requirements.
  6. 10. If you talk about frogs she lights up with joy. Has a new 400 page book every week.
  7. 12. Best crocheter and has an infinite amount of rubix cubes.
  8. 13. Plays lacross and her light laugh will put you in a good mood. Would definitely win nicest person award if it existed.
  9. 15. Her accent comes out when she gets excited.
  10. 16. When you give her a sticker she lights up with joy.
  11. 18. Star catcher on the softball team.
  12. 20. Beautiful dirty blonde hair and plays the clarinet.
  13. 21. Amazing singer, but 2nd best to Mr. Carolan.
  1. 1. Holds the title for best eyeliner. Always. Also color coordinates post-it tabs in her books to match the color of the book cover.
  2. 2. Tells you what you need to hear. The realest of them all.
  3. 3. Great conversationalist and loves emerald green.
  4. 4. Great in marching band and softball. From Alabama.
  5. 6. Name any instrument. She plays it.
  6. 7. GoT superfan and constantly breaks her $30 reeds.
  7. 9. Talks to books more than she talks to other people. Literally an old woman stuck in a young person’s body.
  8. 11. You can hear her laugh from miles away. Performed Irish dancing in front of the class to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
  9. 14. Really skilled at field hockey. Enjoys collecting Carnel gum packs from Bella’s lunch box.
  10. 16. Draws the best dogs. Especially Borzois as of late (the “let me do it for you” dog).
  11. 17. Requires a microscope to read her hand-writing. She’s also a literal genius. Grave robbers had to have taken Einstein’s brain, preserved it and then implanted it in her skull.
  12. 19. Transformers geek and sports car-obsessed. Has knees as bad as my grandma’s.