Math clues

  1. 4. times 3
  2. 5. take away
  3. 7. what you compare to ratios
  4. 10. of you do this when grouping
  5. 13. an equation
  6. 16. times
  7. 18. what you do to mixed numbers
  8. 20. subtract things
  1. 1. grouping things
  2. 2. take away from something
  3. 3. to scale down fractions
  4. 6. give
  5. 8. put things together
  6. 9. given out
  7. 11. 2nd fraction upside down
  8. 12. starts with M
  9. 14. you use these in math
  10. 15. you get this on your report card
  11. 17. what you do when you subtract fractions
  12. 19. you do this when you divide fractions