Math Crossword:)

  1. 2. a yummy desert
  2. 5. What geometric shape is lying in wait?
  3. 7. half of a circle
  4. 10. Did you hear the one about the statistician?
  5. 12. What do you call a mathematician who spent all summer at the beach?
  6. 14. properties of derivatives and integrals of functions
  7. 15. taking away
  1. 1. What geometric shape removes spells and curses?
  2. 3. study of shapes
  3. 4. What did the math teacher say when his parrot escaped?
  4. 6. What’s a swimmer’s favorite math?
  5. 8. What is a math teacher’s favorite sum?
  6. 9. What shape is usually waiting for you inside a Starbucks?
  7. 11. What’s the best tool for math?
  8. 13. What do you call dudes who love math?