Math Crossword

  1. 2. A positive or negative number used in math problems
  2. 6. a possibility of an event occurring in a math problem
  3. 7. the chances of an outcome
  4. 9. One of the probability chances that has a one hundred percent chance of happening
  5. 10. A number that falls below zero that is also used a lot in math problems
  1. 1. A type of testing to help figure out a type of event in math problems
  2. 3. A type of math problem used a lot
  3. 4. Math problems that are more shape related than numbers
  4. 5. A type of graphing where a line is used mostly to pinpoint a number.
  5. 7. An algorithm that includes a series of numbers that start off with 3.14
  6. 8. A number that is in any situation that is refered to as out of one hundred