Math Crossword

  1. 2. of a number
  2. 5. doesn't make a line
  3. 6. a name for an equation
  4. 7. step many steps to a problem
  5. 10. the number before the variable
  6. 13. to remove letters or numbers
  7. 15. to eliminate the same number
  8. 19. the opposite of negative
  9. 20. where y first starts
  1. 1. opposite of subtraction
  2. 3. the total diameter of a shape
  3. 4. the question
  4. 8. value
  5. 9. a point on a graph
  6. 11. to cancel out variable
  7. 12. opposite of addition
  8. 14. rise over run
  9. 16. the opposite of positive
  10. 17. the answer to a problem
  11. 18. makes a line