Math Crossword

  1. 1. Mr. Martin's favorite fruit.( Starts with W)
  2. 3. Only drink allowed to bring in.
  3. 4. Sophomore Math Class
  4. 6. What do you eat?
  5. 7. another word for splitting numbers.
  6. 10. Another word for work.
  7. 11. Paraprofessional name.
  8. 13. Teachers name.
  9. 14. Mr. Martin's favorite food. (Starts with B)
  10. 15. Schools name.
  11. 16. another word for Sum.
  12. 19. a 1/2 is a type of?
  13. 20. What you call a person who teaches.
  1. 2. an operation that augments.( Begins with an M)
  2. 4. To finish High school is to?
  3. 5. Type of snack thats crunchy. (Starts with C)
  4. 6. Mr. Martin's Personality trait( Starts with F)
  5. 8. Lunch that students have every Tuesday and Thursday.
  6. 9. Freshman Math Class.
  7. 12. another word for deduct.
  8. 17. General core class you're in.
  9. 18. what are the people the Teacher teaches.