Math Crossword

  1. 2. The largest and smallest number of a data collection
  2. 4. Multi-termed expression
  3. 7. A number that is less than zero
  4. 9. A math problem that uses < or >
  5. 10. A dot on a coordinate plane that is a part of a set of coordinates
  6. 12. A line that goes left and right and makes up a coordinate plane
  7. 13. Represents a number or is just a placeholder ex: X & Y
  8. 15. AxB=BxA
  9. 17. The middle number of a data collection
  10. 18. A number
  11. 20. A number in front of a variable
  1. 1. A numerator divided by a Denominator
  2. 3. Multiplies a number by itself
  3. 5. A line that goes up and down and makes up a coordinate plane
  4. 6. The opposite of something, usually used with fractions
  5. 8. Math problem with an answer
  6. 11. A straight line on a graph
  7. 14. A math problem without an answer
  8. 16. The average of data collection
  9. 19. A line that passes through points