Math Crossword

  1. 2. / The basic unit of capacity in the metric system.
  2. 3. / each number in a sequence or like _______.
  3. 7. / To find the value of powers by multiplying the factors.
  4. 9. / a mathematical sentence showing 2 expressions are equal.
  5. 10. / Combination of variables, numbers, and at least a operation.
  6. 13. / grouping numbers does not change the product or sum.
  7. 15. / A symbol, usually a letter to represent an unknown.
  8. 17. / A value for the variable that makes an equation true.
  9. 18. / Express a number that is >1 and < 10 using a power of 10.
  10. 19. / A term that does not contain a variable.
  1. 1. / A list of numbers in a certain order, such as 1,2,3,or 2,4,6.
  2. 4. / The basic unit of length in the metric system.
  3. 5. / A unit of mass equivalent to 1,000 grams.
  4. 6. / The basic unit of mass in the metric system.
  5. 8. / the number in front of a variable.
  6. 10. / The branch of mathematics involving expressions and variables.
  7. 11. / In a power, the number used as a factor.
  8. 12. / To multiply a sum by a number using parentheses.
  9. 14. / Two or more numbers that are multiplies to form a product.
  10. 16. / In a power, the number of times the base (number) is raised.