Math Crossword

  1. 3. the study of size shape and relative position of figures or the study of lines angles shapes and their properties
  2. 5. the area bounded by a graph or curve of a function and the x axis between two given values of x
  3. 12. a self-similar geometric shape produced by an equation that undergoes repeated iterative steps or recursion
  4. 13. the operation in calculus of finding the derivative of a function or equation
  5. 14. the product of all the consecutive integers up to a given number
  6. 16. a steepness or incline if a line determined by reference to two points in the line
  7. 18. a flat two-dimensional surface with infinite width and length and zero thickness and curvature
  8. 19. the study of quantity as a result of combining numbers
  9. 20. a line that the curve of a fun ruin tends toward as the independent variable of the curve approches some limit
  10. 21. a mathematical statement or hypothesis which has been proved on the basis of previously established theorems and is effectively the proof of the truth of a statement or expression
  11. 22. a number which when multiplied by x yields the multiplicative identity of one and can therefore be thought of as the inverse of multiplication
  12. 27. the mathematical operation where a number is multiplied by itself a specified number of times
  13. 28. an algebraic equation with three terms
  14. 31. a quantity or set of numbers without bound limit or end
  15. 32. a number that will divide into another number exactly
  16. 33. an algebraic expression constituting of a single term
  17. 34. the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter which is an irrational number
  18. 36. the branch of mathematics that studies the relationships between the sides and the angles of right triangles
  19. 37. study motion and changing values through use of derivatives and integrals
  20. 39. the study of the formal laws of reasoning
  21. 41. mathematics using symbols or letters to represent variables values or numbers
  22. 42. the correspondance in size form or arrangement of parts in a plane or line
  23. 43. an ordered set whose elements are usually determined based on some function of the counting numbers
  24. 44. operation in calculus of finding the integral of a function or equation
  25. 45. a way of writing rational numbers and representation ratios or division in the form of a numerator over a denominator
  1. 1. a subsidiary collection of objects that all belong to or is contained in an original given set
  2. 2. a measure of relationship between two variables or sets of data
  3. 4. grounded in the rigorous formulation of calculus and grounded in the notion of a limit
  4. 6. the factors or terms in a mathematical expression or equation
  5. 7. a statement that appears to contradict itself suggesting a solution which is actually impossible
  6. 8. either a single number or variable or a product of several numbers or variables separated from another term by a plus or minus sign in an algebraic expression or equation
  7. 9. a smooth symmetrical curve with two branches produced by the section of a conical surface
  8. 10. a type of comic section curve any point of which is equally distinct from a fixed focus point and a fixed straight line
  9. 11. a measure of how a function curve or curve changes as its input changes
  10. 14. a relation or correspondance between two sets in which one element of the second set is assigned to each element of the first set
  11. 15. the point toward which h a series or function converged
  12. 17. a plane curve resulting from the intersection of a cone by a plane that looks like a slightly flattened circle
  13. 18. an algebraic expression or equation with more than one term constructed from variables and constants using only the operations of addition subtraction multiplication and non negative whole number exponents
  14. 19. a step by step procedure by which an operation can be carried out
  15. 23. a one dimensional figure in geometry that follows a continuous straight path joining two or more points
  16. 24. the ordered pair that gives the location or position of a point on a coordinate plane determined by the point’s distance from the x and y axes
  17. 25. two geometric figures that have the same size and shape so one can be transformed into the other by a combination of translation rotation and reflection
  18. 26. a collection of distinct objects or numbers without regard to their order considered as an object in its own right
  19. 29. quantities or objects so small that there is no way to see or measure them so for all practical purposes they approach zero as a limit
  20. 30. a polynomial algebraic expression or equation with just two terms
  21. 35. whole numbers both positive and negative including zero
  22. 38. the inverse operation to exponentiation hence the exponent of a power to which a base is given must be raised to produce a given number
  23. 40. a rule or equation describing the relationship of two or more variables or quantities