- 4. Fractions or decimals that are the same amount
- 5. The number used to divide another number
- 6. A number sentence with an equal sign to show two expressions have the same value.
- 12. A number with more than two factors
- 13. A symbol used to show part of a whole item or set
- 14. A number that is multiplied to get a product
- 15. The answer to an addition problem
- 1. The answer to a multiplication problem
- 2. A number whose only factors are 1 and itself
- 3. The answer to a subtraction problem
- 4. Numbers and symbols grouped to show a value
- 7. Factor/ A factor shared by two or more numbers.
- 8. The answer to a division problem
- 9. The number to be divided
- 10. Ms. Frei's dog
- 11. A letter that stands for a number